About Me

My photo
We are three people who live fairly close to each other. Jessie Bryan Jaysee We will blog about everything and anything we can.


Who are we?

Happy, Joyous people, in our teens. Still studying, still having fun.

Bryan Danteh Bondoc

Join him on Facebook

Think of us as teens exploring life and wanting to join blogging fun we only want to share our opinions <3 
Jessie Ashley Fitzpatrick

Join her on Facebook

Come talk to us, find out what we are like.
Life is great, at times it can be a drag, but whose life isn't?

Jaysee Reina David

Join her on Facebook

We are perfect in our own ways, we love everything and anything from small to big.

One more thing, we are all in a relationship. Happily taken <3 ^~^

Let us entertain you.

We believe in the beauty and the weird. We love new things, we like old styles, we definitely love  things that shine. We want to catch the eyes of people around us, for a look of some sort without words are the moments we live for. We like to leave people speechless whether it be good or bad.

We will be here to write about life, new things, fashion (male and female), hair, trends, and many more.
Let us entertain your life. We love to entertain and thats what we live for.


to us admins

alright, to the three of us, we need a strategy to get followers and make this the greatest blogspot of all times.... I got no ideas what so ever and our spot is pretty deserted right now :3 any ideas? Jaysee? Jess?


Jess's hello blog.

Hi guys! i'm jess, i'm one of the three runners of this blog. You have Jaysee and Bryan, also.
On here we'll post, Fashion, Song Reviews, Concert Photo's, and Video's that we like. These are our own opinions, so to start off here's a style i like. it's simple, yet edgy.